


    The essentials:

  • Unlimited events
  • Unlimited guests
  • Unlimited requests
  • Basic profile
  • Song requests from Spotify, SoundCloud, or Apple Music
  • Realtime exporting of song requests to a Spotify playlist or queue

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Use Rekwest For Free



    Everything in the Free plan plus:

  • Professional Business profile to market yourself and your services
  • Automated marketing emails to attract new customers
  • Prepopulate events with song requests from a Spotify, SoundCloud, or Apple Music playlist
  • Realtime exporting of song requests to a SoundCloud playlist which can be used to get song requests into Serato DJ, Rekordbox, VirtualDJ, Traktor, and more
  • Advanced event analytics to monitor event attendee engagement
Coming soon
Market yourself

Professional business profile to market your services.

Create a business profile that showcases your services and experience. Get new bookings by providing your contact information, socials, and a call to action.

Automatic emails

Automatic marketing emails to gain more customers.

Send automatic marketing emails to event attendees a couple of hours after an event has ended to attract new customers. Emails are fully customizable to include whatever information you want to share.


Advanced event analytics to monitor engagement.

Find out what keeps your guests entertained using detailed measurements and analytics.

Realtime SoundCloud export for Serato DJ, Rekordbox, and more

Automatically export song requests to a SoundCloud playlist in realtime. Use your SoundCloud Go+ account to stream this playlist from Serato DJ, Rekordbox, VirtualDJ, Traktor. No more manual copying to your DJ software.

Import song requests from playlists.

Prepopulate the list of song requests using a Spotify, SoundCloud, or Apple Music playlist.