
Ask your question on the Rekwest discord server for the quickest response. You can also contact us via email.

question 1 dropdown arrow
Is Rekwest completely free?

Yes Rekwest is completely free. Every time a song request is accompanied by a payment promise, a small percentage of that payment goes to Rekwest upon payment. This way we can keep our servers running while you can keep requesting songs without being interrupted by ads.

question 2 dropdown arrow
Where can I report a bug?

The Rekwest discord server is the perfect place to report your bug. We'll make sure to fix the bugs you encounter as soon as possible.

question 3 dropdown arrow
Can events be attended remotely?

That fully depends on how the event is set up. In the event settings there is a "Only allow nearby users" switch and a "Maximum join distance" input which you can set to fit your needs.

question 4 dropdown arrow
Do I need an account to request songs?

Nope. You can request songs without having to create an account as long as the event host allows anonymous users.

question 5 dropdown arrow
What content is allowed on Rekwest?

Rekwest does not allow any nudity, violence, or other nsfw content. Make sure to report if you happen to encounter an event or profile which violates this rule. Profiles and events can be reported from within the app.

question 6 dropdown arrow
How can I delete my account and data?

You can delete your account and all associated data from within the app. Go to Settings -> Account -> Delete account, and confirm your account deletion by typing in your password.


We’ll try to deliver the answers you’re hungry for.

Ask your question on the Rekwest discord server for the quickest response. You can also contact us via email.

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Rekwest on Discord

Or email